How do you read a paternity test?
Paternity testing results an be confusing when reading for many people. Below are some key terms that will help you understand the outcome of your DNA test results.
What does not excluded mean in a paternity test?
Not excluded means on a paternity test results means the tested man has a 99.9% and higher probability of being biologically related to the tested child. The conclusion is located at the bottom of your report.
What does an alleged father is excluded as the biological father mean?
A paternity test result will typically show a 0% probability of paternity if the tested man is not the father. The conclusion is located at the bottom of your report.
What does probability of paternity mean?
The probability of paternity refers to the likelihood that a man is the biological father of a child. It is typically calculated based on genetic testing results, which compare the DNA of the alleged father and child to determine the likelihood of their biological relationship. A high probability of paternity indicates a strong likelihood that the man is the father, while a low probability suggests that he is not likely to be the biological father.
What does combined paternity index mean?
The Combined Paternity Index (CPI) or Combined Direct Index represents the likelihood of biological fatherhood compared to a random unrelated man. The CPI appears in a left hand column of your report in the “Direct Index or DI”column.
When the report shows a CPI of “0” indicates that the tested man is excluded as the biological father
A higher Combined Paternity Index indicates stronger results. The Combined Paternity Index is calculated as the product of all paternity indices. A Combined Paternity Index greater than 1000 supports paternity with over 99% probability.
Natural mutations may complicate paternity test results. Including the biological mother’s DNA can strengthen paternity test results.