How Much Does A Paternity Test Cost Through The Courts?

nj paternity testing services

Paternity Test Through The Courts, How much does it cost?

The cost of paternity through the courts will vary from state to state. If you decide to perform a court-ordered paternity test privately the cost can range from $375 – $550. To learn more about our Court-Ordered Paternity Testing and/or to coordinate an appointment. Please call 973-609-5102 to get started today.

Can I use a Home DNA Paternity test for court?

No. Home DNA test kits do not adhere to the proper chain of custody guidelines necessary for the family court to accept your paternity test result.

How to get a court-ordered paternity test without a lawyer?

If you are trying to perform a court-ordered paternity test and do not want to utilize an attorney. The first step would be to acquire a paternity acknowledgment form. You get this form from your state’s government site or by performing a Google search. Once you file this document with the court, and the court accepts your petition. The search for the alleged father will begin. If the alleged father is the petitioner then a court order will be sent to the mother or custodial parent if it is someone other than the mother.

Can I refuse a court-ordered DNA test?

Yes. But, you must understand that there is a consequence for refusing to appear in court. The Judge would most likely hold you in contempt of court and depending on your state this may entail some jail time and/or a fine. Please check with your state’s paternity testing laws or seek the advice of a legal professional in your state.

How long does a court-order DNA test take?

If the court decides to pay for your DNA test. The average turnaround time for your DNA result would be 6 to 8 weeks

We provide professional court-admissible paternity testing services which have an average turnaround time of 2-3 business days from the date on which the laboratory receives all samples.

It is also important to note if the state pays for your DNA test. In most instances, you will be responsible for repaying the state for the upfront costs of your paternity test.